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A statement regarding the historic guilty verdict in the murder of George Floyd

The rare and historic guilty verdicts in the murder of George Floyd offers a glimmer of hope that change is possible. It also serves as a stark reminder that the work must continue. As many of us breathe a sigh of relief this week, we must commit to using our remaining breaths to do our part to keep the work moving forward. We must use our voices and resources to continue to speak out against injustices in education, healthcare, employment, the justice system, and in our day to day experiences with each other.

As this week serves as a step toward progress in the right direction, we must also take a moment to reflect on how we got here. Prejudices, stereotypes, and biases laid the foundation for the issues we fight against fervently. It is only by our continuation of addressing injustices, inequities, inequalities, and systematic racism that is deeply embedded in the culture of our institutions, that we will be able to dismantle racism and injustices at its core.

As the reflections continue this week, let us also take a moment to remember the countless mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers that are still aching from not receiving justice for their families. Let us never forget their stories, their experiences and their attempts to receive accountability for their loved ones. May this serve as inspiration for them to continue their fight for justice. CARE remains committed to addressing racial equity in our community. We endeavor to raise awareness regarding issues that affect our community in hopes of improving overall outcomes. We welcome positive collaboration and partnerships with individuals, organizations and community groups with like-
minded ideas.

Tania Livingston
CARE Chair